Fastman Permissions Manager -Product Update Announcement - 22.2 Release

Fastman is pleased to announce the latest updates to our flagship product, Permission Manager for the OpenText Content Suite Platform. This new Fastman innovation helps increase your information integrity in a safe and secure manner whether you are deployed in the Cloud or on-premises.
Key features introduced in this version:
- Compatibility with Content Suite CE 22.2 – this version of Permissions Manager addresses issues introduced with the new Content Suite release. Use this version when upgrading.
- Smart UI Enhancements – Ability to view group members directly from Smart UI Permissions Manager dashboard. Improved Smart UI icons improve usability.
- Edit Groups function – now available from Tools menu and Business Administrators settings.
Improved Roles Support – roles can be added directly to children of a workspace. - Improved installation experience – for customers running OpenText eSign, the need to apply additional patches for Fastman Permissions Manager has been removed.
- To schedule or access an upgrade, email
Fastman Permissions Manager data sheet – click here
To learn more about the business value gained from the new features, please view below:
Think Fastman - for all your information integrity requirements.
We look forward to discussing your business requirements and please do contact us to arrange a solutions demonstration.
Permissions Manager,